Jan 31, 2012



2nd row-
#2- 3 -4 -6





Concept art: style frame



Reference: trees and flowers

Concept art: mood board reference


is this the solid colors we want?

please let me know your thoughts



Is this in the area of what we want but with a different color scheme?

Reference photos

Lighting references


Tree / flower references/ elements on Planet

References for the planet sparks 


Jan 30, 2012


Finalized story:

There is a planet in the space. Its exterior is as ordinary as other planets, just grey and nothing special. Then, the camera moves closer to the planet and shows the world, where everything is dull and grey. The elements in the world are nature-driven, such as flowers, trees, grass(maybe?), birds, and etc. Then, as we goes through the world, elements (trees, flowers,,,) begin to peel off and reveals color inside. For various flowers, we can use different method(such as peeling off, cracking, or popping out) to reveal color. Then, in the middle, we will focus on one tree and show how it peels off and reveals the color inside. Sparkles will go around the trees when the tree peels off. (like magical sparkles)

** Reference:http://www.motionserved.com/gallery/VOLKSWAGEN-THINK-BLUE/699423
(~6-7 sec. -> look at camera movement- how it reveals the blue world)

Then, the camera moves to the top view after showing the process of the tree peeling off(the camera will move from bottom to the top). The camera goes up and turns around to the back, showing the changed world(grey-> now in colors).

Ending- the camera moves back(zooms out) and as it moves back, the colors will follow the camera(like the colors are spreading and coloring the whole planet). The camera zooms out and finally shows the whole planet in the space. The color of the planet is green. Few seconds later, the planet will change back to grey. During its color transformation, the planet will be sparkling.

** Reference: http://www.motionserved.com/gallery/Flower-C4D-Displacement/2532837

Planet- grey(beginning) -> green (inside world) -> back to grey(end)

Color scheme of the world-> green palette (but there will be other colors too, but mainly the whole world will be in greenish color)

Before Wednesday:
Zina- storyboard& written script
Nicole&Sunny- Moodboard&styleframe
-Research about types of trees, flowers, patterns,, (also, plants/flowers from underwater)(can look at animations)
-Color scheme

Jan 27, 2012


I think the first idea that Zina pitched will work the best
because it has a surprising element at the end.

But rather than using a spaceship to search for life in the planets,
we can simply use a robot device (like eva from wall.e) that scans a planet searching for life.
(adding to the robot idea, the robot shouldn't be too important so let's not try too hard on designing the robot, it can just be a device)
After a failed scan of life, the robot quickly moves out from the scene,
(These scenes can pass by really fast so we can focus on the planet itself.)

the secrets of the shy planet reveals by changing its dead color to a vibrant color.
And we zoom into the planet, we will get to see the organic things (kinda like the avatar).
then it zooms out then it will show the universe. then, it goes back to the dark planet.

For the ending,I  was inspired by the anemone/coral reefs idea. More like a roly-poly concept.


Organic shapes




"THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT" work done in Adv3d class



I thought about the ideas and came up with two ideas.

1. Hidden

Beg.- (I kept Nicole's robot idea) A robot lands on the planet and wonders around to investigate/ find an evidence. It fails to find any and goes back. (simply showing the spaceship/airplane flying away from the ground) When the robot wonders around, the world has no color; everything is just dull color (like grey or white..) Then, when the robot leaves, the ground starts to crack (or we can show a view of a branch or tree trunk peeling off). Underneath the layer, there is glowing, bright colored ground/ tree.

Middle- Showing elements peeling off its layers/ cracking. Revealing glowing, bright colored form inside of the elements. Showing transformations of a dull world into vividly colorful and lively world.

End- Showing a big picture(whole view) of now-transformed world (color)
-Zooming out to the space and showing the planet/ planets.
-To emphasize the planet(that we are showing to the viewers),,,, the planet spins and the exterior of the planet is changing. (Color of the planet was dull, but it's changing to brighter color, like its interior world has been changed.)

Elements can be nature-driven things, such as trees, flowers, grass, and more.
or... leaves falls from a tree while the tree starts to crack, and one leaf lands on water and the color of the leaf dissolves in the water.

I thought of Nature elements, but we can change it to man-made things like... buildings or roads....

(Reference pics/ Inspired by.... Samuel Francois

2. Thread

Basically, the whole world is made up of thread. (thread can be knit thread or just thin, regular thread)

Beg.-It's a calm day, but suddenly, shooting stars flies and lands on the ground. (Shots from far away)
Later, the camera shows the close up of the shooting stars, which turns out to be thread balls. Threads begins to untie and a thread leads the viewers to the world.

Middle- Following one thread(it's guiding the viewer to explore the whole world/city of threads),
Thread balls unfold and begin to build things like trees, buildings, streets,,,, Other thread balls can be animals or living things. Telephone poles, electrical wires-> can be threads too...
(So, the middle part will be a process of thread balls creating elements)

and I don't know how to incorporate this idea, but I think it will be fun to show that huge knitting needles are making something(like clouds, rains, snow, or something else), from that thread balls came from the universe.

End- Revealing that the planet is made up of thread. Exterior of the planet is thread-made.
The setting will be in the space. Zoomed out from the inside and reveals the thread ball-like planet in the universe.

So,,, these are my ideas. I don't know if you guys will understand what I visioned my ideas.
Elements and beginning or ending can be changed when we discuss it.
Looking forward to see you guys' ideas! I'll talking to you guys later! Thanks!


Jan 25, 2012


Here is my schedule.

I'm free on..
Mon: before 2/ after 7
Tues: after 1
Wed: before 12/
Thurs-Sun: anytime

Can you guys put your schedules up here too?