Jan 30, 2012


Finalized story:

There is a planet in the space. Its exterior is as ordinary as other planets, just grey and nothing special. Then, the camera moves closer to the planet and shows the world, where everything is dull and grey. The elements in the world are nature-driven, such as flowers, trees, grass(maybe?), birds, and etc. Then, as we goes through the world, elements (trees, flowers,,,) begin to peel off and reveals color inside. For various flowers, we can use different method(such as peeling off, cracking, or popping out) to reveal color. Then, in the middle, we will focus on one tree and show how it peels off and reveals the color inside. Sparkles will go around the trees when the tree peels off. (like magical sparkles)

** Reference:http://www.motionserved.com/gallery/VOLKSWAGEN-THINK-BLUE/699423
(~6-7 sec. -> look at camera movement- how it reveals the blue world)

Then, the camera moves to the top view after showing the process of the tree peeling off(the camera will move from bottom to the top). The camera goes up and turns around to the back, showing the changed world(grey-> now in colors).

Ending- the camera moves back(zooms out) and as it moves back, the colors will follow the camera(like the colors are spreading and coloring the whole planet). The camera zooms out and finally shows the whole planet in the space. The color of the planet is green. Few seconds later, the planet will change back to grey. During its color transformation, the planet will be sparkling.

** Reference: http://www.motionserved.com/gallery/Flower-C4D-Displacement/2532837

Planet- grey(beginning) -> green (inside world) -> back to grey(end)

Color scheme of the world-> green palette (but there will be other colors too, but mainly the whole world will be in greenish color)

Before Wednesday:
Zina- storyboard& written script
Nicole&Sunny- Moodboard&styleframe
-Research about types of trees, flowers, patterns,, (also, plants/flowers from underwater)(can look at animations)
-Color scheme


  1. Oh and let's think about our group name/project title! :)

  2. title of the project... i'm just pitching possible ideas

    hibernating planet
    spark of the planet
    absence in beauty
    hidden beauty
    nostalgic world


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