Apr 14, 2012


Nicole and I talked about how we can change.
These are the things we talked about:

1. Plants Growing

-Grows from Small to Big
-It grows fast, and the tentacles grows at a slower speed, and then it goes in at a fast speed.
-Maybe extending some of the scenes? so we can see how the plants grow.
-Growing should be elegant? LOL

2. Grass

-Grass around plants to cover the straight line, a division between ground and where the plants grew
-Grass should grow in the same way of the plants grow.
(Small to Big, NOT growing up and down)

3. Color

-We are changing the colors of the plants.
We are keeping the colors only to blue and purple. (light blue-blueish purple)

4. Mountain

-Using layers of images of mountains, rather sticking one image in the background.

5. Sky & Ground

-The color of sky and ground will be similar or same. We haven't decided on which color, but we tried out purple and blue and they went well with our plants.

6. Composition

-When we place plants, think about foreground, middle, and background.
Some of the scenes where there are a lot of spaces to fill in, it's a bit complicated to think of composition, but don't just put plants in one area. Spread out the plants and place them in the foreground and background  as well.

7. Robot's PV

-the plant sign can be flashing.
-Maybe different colored sign, not white?
-The sign can be glowing too.
-The sign should come up after the robot scans the rock.

8. Ending

-More plants
-Fill the whole ground, so we can't see the ground that much.
-Needs a revision on robot's movement where it flies off.

*****Reference video to watch:

-Blind: (this has a lot of things that we wanted to do for our project)

-WALL-E (of course! and always!)
-AVARTAR (for color, glow?)

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