Mar 5, 2012

cameramatic with lights


  1. thanks michelle!!!!! looks great dude
    the first intro of the robot in 1-10 sec got so much better!

    maybe on frame 223 we don't need the quick camera move?..maybe
    it can just look at the rock at once..

    on 285 the camera movement is alittle too quick here I think from 261 we can have the camera moving slowly to reach to 276..?.

    on 631 ish i think the plant is collapsing with the robot?..

    sorry i know nothing about cameras but..i think it'll be better
    for the final cameramatics so its easier to use it for later :)

    thank u michelleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)))))))

  2. awesome! Thanks for all the hard work :)

    and for the lighting, i think we need to change the lighting or..
    change the direction where the robot is moving around, some areas, the whole atmosphere is too dark.
    But I think we can ask Rob for the suggestion.

    and I still think that the part where the robot lands is too short. Maybe we can make this scene a bit longer and the part that comes after the landing part can be shorter.

    and 250-273 I don't know what happened, but the camera moves very quickly. I think we need to fix this part.

    Thanks always! :)

  3. for lighting, i was thinking if we would be allowed to have like one direct sunlight.. and then an area light.. for now i just put in one.

    for frame 223, i couldn't get the curve to fix so i was going to have rob help us with smoothing that out

    for the 250 part, idk how that happened! i think i might of had accidently moved a key frame but will get that fixed.

    nicole, idk what you mean about frame 631.. lol those ar ethe plants growing up as the robot passes though.


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