Mar 17, 2012

Shot List

These are approximations of the frames per shot and frame range.

shot 001: zooming into planet
90 frames
frames 0–90

shot 002: robot landing
38 frames
frames 91–129

shot 003: robot explore, 3rd pov
61 frames
frames 130–191

shot 004: focus on rock, robot pov
47 frames
frames 192–238

shot 005: shot of robot and plant grow #1, 3rd pov
147 frames
frames 239–386

shot 006: robot scan/turn around, robot pov
42 frames
frames 387–429

shot 007: robot turn around and sees nothing, 3rd pov
82 frames
frames 430–512

shot 008: robot scan and plant grow #2 and disappears, start of plant grow #3
118 frames
frames 513–631

shot 009: robot coming towards camera, plant grow #3 continues
69 frames
frames 632–701

shot 010: plants grow #4, plant pov
25 frames
frames 702–727

shot 011: 3rd pov, plant grow #4 and disappears
87 frames
frames 703–790

shot 012: angry robot
45 frames
frames 791–836

shot 013: plant grow #5 and #6, 3rd pov
45 frames
frames 837–882

shot 014: angry robot, leaving, last plant grow
frames 883–1019

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