Feb 5, 2012


1 comment:

  1. #1: black screen- very quick(0.2 s)
    #2: planet - 1.5s
    #3: zooming into- 3-4s
    #4: robot landing- 1s
    #5: robot navigating- 3-4s
    Cut to:
    #6: bottom of the tree- 1.5s
    #7: looking up the tree- 3-4s
    #8: top of the tree- 1s
    Cut to
    #9: robot (colored nature in the bg)- 2s
    #10: robot looking back- 2.5s
    #11: lower part of the robot(looking at grey)-1.5s
    cut to:
    #12: robot's view(turning around)- 2.5s
    Cut to:
    #13: robot in the world(colored in the bg)
    : and ready to leave- 2-3s
    #14: robot flying away(whole body)-1s
    #15: close up of robot passing by- .5s
    #16: zooming into the changed world- 2s
    #17: whole view of the changed planet-.5s
    #18: completely changed planet- 1s
    #19: grey planet- 2s

    I think its over 30s, but i'm just posting it so you guys can use it for reference,(maybe?)
    Thanks Sunny! :)

    oh, and when you guys do the animatic, i think we should also focus on transitions. (whether it's cut to the next scene, zooming in, zooming out, or fading,, etc)

    Thanks! :)


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