Feb 10, 2012

Final Story

1. Black screen
2. Planet in the space. Zooming into the planet. (center)
3. Wide shot of the grey world.
4. Robot landing on the planet (very small- far away)
5. Robot searching for plants and scanning through.

6. The robot looking at a small rock on the ground& zooming into the rock(quick) -robot's point of view
7. The rock is not changing-side view of the rock and the robot
8. Robot turning& facing the camera- camera's point of view
9. The process of nature changing(in the bg)(1st)-camera's point of view

(med. slow)
10. the grey world- The robot looking at rocks -robot's point of view
11. The process of nature changing &the robot (2nd)-over the shoulder view
12. Robot facing the camera- camera's point of view
13. the grey world-robot's point of view

14. the grey world- The robot looking at the scene -robot's point of view
15. The process of nature changing &the robot (3rd)-over the shoulder view
16. Robot facing the camera- camera's point of view
17. the grey world-robot's point of view

18. the grey world- The robot looking at the whole picture -robot's point of view
19. The process of nature changing &the robot (4th)-over the shoulder view
20. Robot facing the camera- camera's point of view
21. the grey world-robot's point of view

22. The process of nature changing with the robot in the environment (5th)-wide shot
23. Robot leaving the planet& antenna comes out(sending the signal)

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