Feb 26, 2012


I still can't edit or leave comments on our blog page. Idk what happened ]: Anyways, for the cameramatic, I noticed the fade out at the end happens to fast and I'm not sure if we need it. Any thoughts? I'll fix the fade out if we need another round of the cameramatic.


  1. hmm thats so weird!!!
    anyways I saw the cameramatics thru the ae file
    but few footages were missing..
    but anyways I think the timing is all good!!
    thank u michelle.
    but do you wanna try sending it to Rob?

  2. thanks michelle.

    yes i agree with nicole's comments!
    timing is perfect but I cannot find some frames like angry robot.

    we need to put some frames together before the class! (:

  3. Good job michelle!
    Thanks for all the works :D
    Did you get a chance to email it to Rob?


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