Feb 5, 2012

Camera References

this view has the space shuttle off to the side.. its really tiny but i think its a good reference if we want a side shot of the robot landing or leaving.

some more sparkle references

this has a shot of the earth from the moon's view. I remember we talked about possible showing earth and the grey planet together.
leaving earth, going towards camera
thought this was a good reference from the back of the robot's head. thats eva's egg head in the corner (:
this was just a good reference for depth (:

also good depth with a foreground, middle and background like how we talked about for the front grey plants, middle being robot and background the changing plants

these were from cars. its a reference for when we have the robot flying towards the camera when he leaves.


  1. Wow! thanks Michelle!
    You actually watched WALL-E, didn't you! :D
    I should watch it pretty soon too!

    The screenshots you posted are all very helpful! THANK YOU! :D

  2. well i watched half of wall e.. but only bc the website i used only had the first half available.. hahaha. for the cars, that was on abc family and i just got it at the right time (:


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