Feb 18, 2012

Week 5 Critique& Revisions

Critique from Rob:

1. Robot:
-Needs a display to show its expressions (whether it's frustrated/ confused).
-Needs a sensory device, which needs to have a functionality, (suggestions- antenna that moves..)

2. Elements on the planet (Trees/ plants/ flowers)
-It can be either unified environment or riot of different things.
But, unified feeling of environment suits better.

-Consistency and unified feeling are the keys.
-Think about what life will be like on the planet.
-Think about what source of energy is for those lives.

3. Storyboard/ Animatics:
-A close-up shot of the robot is needed to show the expression. (frustration/confusion)
-Another shot that shows the rocks at the back of the robot and lower part of the robot.
-The above scene can be cut to the next scene where it shows the growth of the plants behind the robot. Or, the camera can follow the plants growing by moving upward and showing the face of the robot.
-Another shot of the robot leaving the planet.
-The scenes that show the whole planet is not needed.

4. Cameramatic:
-Camera needs to be based on animatics.
-Needs to start with "HERO" objects- which needs to be consistent size, less detailed, not textured, and about the size of a default cube size. 

Revisions on:

1. Robot design
- Sensory device: Few holes on the body will be placed.
- Expression:
  a) Anger/Frustration : Eyes getting bigger and steam coming out from the holes placed on the body. The whole body gets redder. It jumps up and down.
  b) Confusion: Eyes moving around the eye ball (camera lens)

2.  Environment of the planet:
- Theme: Underwater creatures.
- Words: Thin to Thick. Organic. Underwater creatures. Tentacles. Small to Big.

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