Feb 2, 2012


The scene starts out with the black sky. As the camera moves forward, a grey planet is revealed. The camera pans forward towards the planet. As this is happening, a robot also flies into the scene and lands on the planet.

The camera pans through the gray planet and the robot is seen sitting on the planet looking around. We see the back of the robot and from his view, that the planet appears lifeless. The robot turns around looking to the camera. It continues to stand there and move its head back and forth facing the audience. While this is happening, the planet begins to transform. The robot never looks back. The robot walks off the scene towards the camera. As he walks off, we see some of the sparkles are on him.

The robot leaves the planet. The camera pulls out to show the entire planet while the robot leaves. The planet has entirely transformed. Once the robot is off the planet (the planet still in the background), the robot transforms into something organic and colorful like the planet.

The planet changes back to its grey stage and the robot remains in color.

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